Why should you use GuestComment’s patent-pending technology to collect guest comments and reviews? Allow us to explain.


What are the benefits?

What are the reasons?

Collect real-time feedback from your hotel guests

Receive authentic reviews & ratings for your property

Decide which elements of your hotel are reviewed

Evaluate the performance of your hotel & employees.

Receive reports on all comments & get instant alerts for any negative reviews

Respond to guest feedback while they are still staying at your hotel

Virtually eliminate fictitious and fraudulent reviews

Publish to the web only the reviews you choose

Take control of your search engine reputation

Follow up with guests and encourage repeat visits

90% of travelers have avoided a hotel due to a negative review

92% of travelers have booked a hotel due to a positive review

58% of hotel guests read hotel reviews

48% of hotel guests trust the advice of other travelers more than a hotel’s advertising or marketing

46% of hotel guests have written a hotel review

42% of hotel guests trust the advice other travelers more than a professional travel agent

33% of travelers have changed their travel plans based on social media

Publishing hotel guest reviews to your web site can increase bookings by 30% or more